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BMW 3 Series Workshop Manual

BMW Workshop ManualBMW 3 Series Workshop Manual Covers all variants (saloon, coupe, convertible, tourer and MPower) for the following models, upto 2006: E30 E36 E46 E46 (Cont'd) E83 (X3) E90 E91 E92 316 316g 316Ci 325i 2.0d 316i 318d 325i 316i 316i 316i 325ti 2.0i 318d 318i 328i 318i 318i 316ti 325xi 2.5i 318i 320d 335i 318is 318tds 318Ci 328Ci 3.0d (M57T2) 320d 320i 320i 318ti 318d 328i 3.0d (M57TU) 320i 323i 320is 320i 318i 330Cd 3.0i 320si 325i 323i 323i 318td 330Ci 323i 325xi 324d 323ti 318ti 330d 325i 330d 324td 325i 320Cd 330i 330d 330i 325e 325is 320Ci 330xd 330i 330xd 325i 325tds 320d 330xi 330xd 330xi 325ix 328i 320i M3 330xi M3 M Coupe 320td M3 CSL Z1 M Roadster 323Ci M3 323i Z3 325Ci This BMW 3 Series Workshop Manual allows you to search repair procedures, servicing information, technical bulletins and more via input of your VIN number, or simply search by your car. An excellent sympton section is included, whereby you select the symptons of your car (for e.g. high idle, vibrations, leaks, etc) and the manual will give the likely causes of the problem and tell you that how to resolve those problems . Topics Included: Bodywork & Panels Engine inc Overhaul Transmission Suspension Steering Brakes Electrics Fixtures & Fittings Exhaust Maintenance Inspections Service Intervals Vehicle Notes Plus More .....

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