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Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (Chilton USA)

General Motors Grand Am/Achieva/Calais/Skylark/Somerset (95 - 98) (Chilton USA) Covers US & Canadian models of Buick Skylark, Somerset, Somerset Regal, Oldsmobile Achieva, Cutlass Calais, Calais and Pontiac Grand Am PLEASE NOTE that these manuals are written in the USA and apply to petrol engine cars (except where diesel is specifically mentioned) built to US specifications. (So, the Ford titles deal with Ford of America products, not Ford of Europe, and so on.) Although they are useful when the products or systems are similar to those in other markets, there may still be significant differences, especially in areas concerned with safety and emission control. Please also note that these manuals have a soft (paperback) cover

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Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (Chilton USA)

Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (Chilton USA) Covers theory and step-by-step instructions for backyard rebuilding of Chevrolet V8 engines; including setting up shop, engine removal, engine disassembly, reconditioning and reassembly, as well as break-in. PLEASE NOTE that these manuals are intended for petrol engine cars (except where diesel is specifically mentioned) built to US specifications. Whilst many of them are useful for the same make and model of car built for other markets, such vehicles may have different features, especially in areas concerned with safety and emission control. Please also note that these manuals have a soft (paperback) cover.

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Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (Chilton USA)

Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Manual (Chilton USA) Covers theory and step-by-step instructions for backyard rebuilding of Chevrolet V8 engines; including setting up shop, engine removal, engine disassembly, reconditioning and reassembly, as well as break-in. PLEASE NOTE that these manuals are intended for petrol engine cars (except where diesel is specifically mentioned) built to US specifications. Whilst many of them are useful for the same make and model of car built for other markets, such vehicles may have different features, especially in areas concerned with safety and emission control. Please also note that these manuals have a soft (paperback) cover.

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