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Holden Commodore (97 - 06)

Holden Commodore (97 - 06) Commodore Sedan, Wagon & Utility. Series VT, VTII, VX, VXII, VY and VYII with 3.8L V6, 5.0L and 5.7L Generation III V8 engines, inc. supercharged models. Does not include information specific to LPG models. PLEASE NOTE that these manuals are intended for vehicles sold in the Australian market. Whilst many of them are useful for the same make and model of car built for other markets, such vehicles may have different features, especially in areas concerned with safety and emission control. In a few cases they are completely different - for instance, the Australian Ford Maverick bears no relation to the European vehicle of the same name. Please also note that these manuals have a soft (paperback) cover.

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