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Opel Astra Workshop Repair And Service Manual This workshop manual consists of document search facilities, fault diagnosis, repairs, maintenance and servicing and allows you to pin point the workshop, repair or service manual data for your exact vehicle. Features Include: Highly detailed printable diagrams VIN input to pin point your vehicle Maintenance and servicing guidelines Extensively documented vehicle information Labour time guide Techline module compatibilityNOTE: This manual is approximately 7.5GB in size. If you have a slow internet connection, we highly recommend you purchase the DVD-R option above. This workshop manual is run in a virtual version of Windows XP via VMWare Player. All instructions are included. Models: All models from 1992 - 2012 Engines: 14NV 14SE 16L72 16NZR 16SV 17D 17DR 17DT 20NE 20SEH C14NZ C14SE C16NZ C18SEL C18XE C18XEL C20NE C20XE X14NZ C14XE C16SZ C16SZR C16XEL X17DT X17DTL X18XE X18XE1 C16SEL X12XE X14XE X16SZR X16XEL X17DTL X18XE1 X20DTL X20XEV Y17DT Y20DTH Y20DTL Y22DTR Z12XE Z14XEP Z16SE Z16XE Z16XEP Z16YNG Z17DTL Z18XE Z18XEL Z20LET Z22SE A16LET A16XER A17DTJ 17DTR Z12XEP Z13DT Z13DTH Z14XE Z14XEL Z14XEP Z16LET Z16XE1 Z16XEP Z16XER Z17DTH Z17DTJ Z17DTL Z17DTR Z18XE Z18XER Z19DT Z19DTH Z19DTJ Z19DTL Z20LEH 1.3L (LSF) 1.4L (LDD) 1.4L (LUJ) 1.6L (LDE) 1.6L (LLU) 1.7L (LKR) 1.7L (LPL) 1.7L (LPV) 1.7L (LUD) 1.8L (2HO) 2.0L (LBS) 2.0L (LBX) 2.0L (LBY) 2.0L (LHU) Topics Included: Bodywork & Panels Engine inc Overhaul Transmission Suspension Steering Brakes Electrics Wiring Diagrams Fixtures & Fittings Circuit Diagrams Exhaust Maintenance Inspections Service Intervals Vehicle NotesPlus More...