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Rocket Man

Rocket Man In 1964, Ky Michaelson built his first rocket-powered motorcycle, propelled by two Turbonique T-16A rocket motors. His success at speed trials on a rocket-powered snowmobile (with a JATO mounted engine) inspired him to smash every acceleration record in the world: to date he has set 72 International and National speed records. This is the story of his life in his own words; a life driven by rocket power. Ky Michaelson tells us why he began and where he has gone: his work on hundreds of TV shows and films, and his development of rocket-power culminating in the successful launch of GoFastRocket, the world's only civilian rocket launch, with an altitude of 72 miles, and a speed of 3, 420 mph!Along the way, the reader is treated to a dazzling whirlwind of vehicles and devices - a scuba pack adapted for rocket propulsion, tractor seats, wheelchairs, a backpack, hydrogen-peroxide powered racing cars at speed trails on the Salt Flats, and the breaking of record after record by a man regarded as many as the king of modern speed barriers! The innovation that led to each rocket-powered vehicle is shown here, with photographs and design detail for each amazing accomplishment.

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