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Roughriders - Scrambling in '60s DVD

Roughriders - Scrambling in '60s DVD Another double bill of nostalgia from the archives, this time dating back to the late 60s and when big 'thumpers' still ruled the roost and two-strokes were emerging but not taken seriously! In 'The Roughriders', Jeff Smith and Arthur Lampkin on works BSAs take on the likes of Rolf Tibblin and Bill Nilsson at several classic venues including Namur, Sweden and Hawestone Park, UK. Then, in 'Three in Europe' we join John Banks, Vic Eastwood, Dave Nicoll and Keith Hickman on the championship trail in the late summer of '69, a long way from home. Riding the works BSAs, they were up against formidable opposition including Roger de Coster and Bengt Aberg. Also features motocross action from the Luxembourg, French and Swiss GPs; sadly, this was the end of an era of British motocross GP winners on British machinery.

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Roughriders - Scrambling in '60s DVD

Roughriders - Scrambling in '60s DVD Another double bill of nostalgia from the archives, this time dating back to the late 60s and when big 'thumpers' still ruled the roost and two-strokes were emerging but not taken seriously! In 'The Roughriders', Jeff Smith and Arthur Lampkin on works BSAs take on the likes of Rolf Tibblin and Bill Nilsson at several classic venues including Namur, Sweden and Hawestone Park, UK. Then, in 'Three in Europe' we join John Banks, Vic Eastwood, Dave Nicoll and Keith Hickman on the championship trail in the late summer of '69, a long way from home. Riding the works BSAs, they were up against formidable opposition including Roger de Coster and Bengt Aberg. Also features motocross action from the Luxembourg, French and Swiss GPs; sadly, this was the end of an era of British motocross GP winners on British machinery.

Click here to buy now - $32.99

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