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TT 1986 the Real Thing DVD

TT 1986 the Real Thing DVD No motorcycle event in the world comes near to the famous Isle of man TT as a unique spectacle of stunning motorsport. Since 1907 the 37.73 miles of public roads have thrilled millions of race fans who can not only enjoy the action just a few feet away from the kings of road racing, but can also ride the course themselves between races. They come because the TT is ?special?, nowhere else is as demanding on rider or machine. Nowhere else are the average speeds so high for so long and over such tricky roads. Nowhere else can top competitors and the 45,000+ spectators soak up and enjoy motorcycle sport for a full fortnight almost to the exclusion of all else. Nowhere else is there such a range of world-class ?sideshows? from the Red Arrows aerobatic team to the best stunt riding displays. All 6 races are covered from over 100 different locations, and feature slow-motion and on-bike photography. Also included is coverage of the sideshows. Yes, it?s non-stop action, it?s exciting, it?s entertaining - it?s The Real Thing!

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